Saturday, 23 June 2012

No new photos

When a desperate person kicked in my back door, a few weeks ago, I doubt that it was with any consideration for anything other than an immediate need.  I wonder how much money the person got for the items taken.   The break-in has generated a lot of inconvenience for us.  It has cost us time and energy to deal with police, insurance, and  I think that we have generated a hundred emails as a direct result of the break-in. We can live without the items taken, and we will eventually replace some of it.  What the real tragedy is for us is the loss of my daughter's photos - on the camera, and backed up on the laptop.  They are priceless, for everything else there is VISA. (if you get a deal on a Macbook pro, and it has a lot of photos of Malawi - Africa-  on it.... let me know.)

It cost us a thousand dollars just for the boot to shatter the first pane of glass - (insurance company deductible), naturally we are hesitating before replacing all the stuff that was taken.  We will be getting a new, MUCH STRONGER door in a few weeks. 

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Lovely landscape from a surprising source


June 16, 2012,
The First Day of Summer (Summer Solstice)
is on Wednesday, June 20, 2012.
Wow, just back from picking blueberries. Imagine picking blueberries this early in June!  Did I mention that they were frozen blueberries? And that I was picking them out of the bottom of the freezer in our basement, on a dismal, rainy, cold Saturday morning.  But... it is so nice to have blueberries, even when they spill in the freezer, AND the weather outside is much warmer than inside my freezer.  These blueberries were photographed on Saltspring Island a few summers ago.