Halloween is Not My Favorite Event on the Annual Calendar. That said there are some things about it that I do like:
- the simple images - carved pumpkins, etc that are so easy to draw, cut out, etc
- candy!
- fireworks
I'm not wild about:
- kids going door to door getting candy from strangers
- scary stuff
I don't like
- the focus on evil, death, malevolent spirits
Here I am, a Christian in a secular place, uncomfortable with aspects of a celebration that I don't really believe in.
When I was young we participated whole hog. When my kids were young, I participated grudgingly, trying to buy them off with bags of candy, or to "out fun" Halloween by going out for dinner or to Watermania, instead.
So, what will I do this year? Turn off all the lights and curl up somewhere with a good book? Go out for dinner? Cave in and give out candy, because it is fun to see the kids?